Sunday, 14 April 2013

Pink Room Class: Word Search Phrasal Verbs Lesson

Pair form. 

Students find new partner. They work out the meaning of the verb / look up on their digital devices.

Matching Activity

Use Quizlet to play various games for students to memorize the new verbs and their meanings:

Shouting Game: Fill in the gap

Create a set of sentences using the phrasal verbs.  Cut them up.  Divide the class into teams.  You read out the sentences (on strips of paper) and students have to quickly write the missing phrasal verb on a piece of paper.  The team member who is the 'secretary' has to hold up the paper and  gets a point if the verb is correct.  The team with the most slips of paper is the winner.

Create a Story
Choose any five verbs and create a short story to read out to your classmates.

All these activities have been created to supplement a lesson from Test Your Phrasal Verbs by Jake Allsop, Penguin.

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