Monday 1 April 2013

April Weekend Phrases


Use Quizlet to test yourself on Weekend Phrases!

Did you do the folllowing over the weekend?

Can you match some of the phrases below?

Are the following phrases used correctly?

  1. I HIT THE TOWN on Saturday.  I stayed in all night. 
  2. Isabella PICKED UP some slang expressions such as 'bloke' and 'broke'.
  3. I GOT THROUGH all my homework tasks. I've still got one exercise to do.
  4. Joe SPENT A BOMB at the weekend. He got through a thousand quid!!
  5. I was AT A LOOSE END last night.  I was really busy.
  6. Sofia RAN INTO some friends in town yesterday.  She had arranged to meet them.
  7. Fluffy PUT OFF doing the housework. He did it straightaway.
  8. Kelly POPPED IN to see a mate last night.  He stayed for half an hour.
  9. Tigger BURNED THE MIDNIGHT OIL last night.  He studied for five minutes.
  10. Bobby GOT LEGLESS last night.  He drank two glasses of orange juice.  
 Answer these questions;

    If you like, you can make your own cartoons at ToonDoo to describe your weekend.  If you want to keep them all in one place, you can easily register for free.  Send it / them to Janet so she can add them to this blog for all the class to see!

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